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feasibility study template

feasibility study template

feasibility study template includes the market analysis, marketing analysis, strategic plan, technical, study and financial study

the feasibility study is a preliminary assessment of a proposed project, it explains all merits of the project, in order to determine whether it is viable or not, a feasibility study provides an independent analysis of all aspects of the project as well

aspects of the feasibility study

project description: This section provides a detailed description of the proposed project, including its goals, objectives, and scope-

the market analysis

this section focuses on the market for the proposed project-

analyzing the economic situation in the country of the project-

 major powerful competitors-

the demand volume for the targeted product-

 main economic sectors that have an impact on the success of the project-

the marketing plan

this section outlines the core marketing strategy for the proposed project-

It formulates the adequate pricing strategy according to many factors, such as the determined audience and sales size-

It determines the most prominent marketing methods, in order to target the largest possible customer base, there are two important categories of marketing techniques-

the digital methods

 like the social media, Facebook, Instagram

 the marketing through the E-mail

preparing a professional website for the project

The traditional techniques

the advertisement boards, which are placed on different places and streets

Distributing samples of the product in different malls

Telephone marketing

The strategic plan

which includes the vision, is a concise and inspiring statement the describes the desired future outcome-

vision has to be clear, specific and measurable

the well-defined vision serves as a guide for the working team, keeping everyone aligned and motivated towards a common goal

The mission, is a more specific and focused statement than the vision, it outlines the steps that the project team takes to achieve the vision, to sum up vision focuses on the short run

 core values, are the deeply held convictions that control the process of decision-making, they include the fundamental beliefs and values that guide the behavior of the project team

The technical study of the project

It is the assessment of the technical feasibility of the project, it checks whether the required raw materials and technologies available or not to complete the project successfully

Despite the technical assessment is conducted early in the project planning process, but it needs to be updated during the project lifecycle

technical solutions, that are used to meet the requirements of the project

Highlighting the technical risks that may appear suddenly, and the proposed mitigation strategies to control those risks

the financial study of the project

It is the comprehensive analysis of the financial statements and indicators that judge whether the project is financially viable or not

Providing an advance forecasting of revenues and expenses

f you desire to obtain a feasibility study, which meets your economic targets and be within boundaries of your investment capital

you just need to visit us on one of our two branches in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Numbers and addresses of Value Company’s offices for feasibility studies and project planning in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

-Cairo 3A Makram Ebbed- Nasr city
-Riyadh Al-Massif, Al-Roman street, with Imam Saud bin Abdelaziz Bin Mohammed Road,Al-Muruj

you can simply contact us on the following numbers

numbers of Egyptian Branch


Numbers of saudi Arabia Branch





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