فاليو لدراسات الجدوى

feasibility study example

feasibility study example

feasibility study example focuses on the assessment of a wide range of various elements that have a great impact on the project

is a systematic analysis of the potential opportunity of success of a project, through checking whether this project is financially and technically viable or not, moreover, making sure that the business project is operationally feasible and commercially profitable

:feasibility study example focuses on the following

technical requirements of the project

 which checks the major machines in the project-

 features of the production line, the selection of the production capacity according to the availability of financial resources-

  the required raw materials-

The strategic plan in feasibility study example

that strategy of vision, mission and objectives

strategic plan


The leading application in the United Arab Emirates which works on the possibility of electronic real estate investment without  procedures to achieve
high returns and reduce risks for investors


Providing a balanced investment pool for individuals and institutions that invests in managing the real estate sector and achieves high returns for investors


Gaining a market share in the UAE real estate market-
Obtaining approval from the Dubai International Financial-
Center and the Dubai Financial Services Authority, as the company is an investment application linked to real estate financial share-
Building a strong customer base inside the UAE-
Opening other branches of the company in many countries such as Turkey and the Maghreb-
Reducing investment risks for small investors-

the market analysis

which investigates the market in detail, the growth rate of sectors that affect the project, and the major statistics to make an efficient decision

this analysis focuses on the target market and major competitors

the following study shows an example of a market study

market study(1)

 The state of the real estate market in the UAE

Emirates ranks seventh in providing real estate registration and granting permits for construction sites

According to the Arab Monetary Fund, the UAE ranked first among the group of member countries in terms of the volume of commercial real estate facilities
The UAE real estate market is the most competitive in the Arab region and one of the most stable regional markets in terms of being affected by crises and at the same time one of the highest in terms of returns due to the following reason

Outstanding strategic location economic stability and prosperity-
Flexible laws, attractive facilities and-
various incentives offered to investors-


market study.2


UAE was ranked the 13 globally in National Income per capita indicator according to purchasing power parity, and it reflects the superiority of the country’s economy over pioneer economics like Germany, Belgium, Canada and Japan

National Income per capita in terms of purchasing power was estimated about 140 thousand dirhams

The classification estimated the purchasing power parity of the gross domestic product oftheUAE at about 2.4 trillion dirhams

Income Average

The average monthly income for a family in Dubai is about 21,500 dirhams, as 50% of the population of Dubai has an average

income of more than that, according to the occupational hierarchy and the nature the profession

The annual average income for a family in UAE is about 866.890 dirhams, which is about 72.241 for a family per month, and 10.900 dirhams for the person per month, and for non-Emarati families is about 337.3

Spending Amount

our paragraph of The average spending amount for Emarat families is about 431.165 dirhams yearly, and for non-Emarat families is about
202.924 dirhams.
Monthly spending average for Emarat person is about5.419 dirhams, and for non-Emarat person is about 4.747 dirha

the marketing analysis of feasibility study example

which formulates the required strategies for pricing and promotion, with the major target of making people familiar with the new product

 If you desire to obtain a feasibility study, which meets your economic targets and be within boundaries of your investment capital

you just need to visit us on one of our two branches in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

Numbers and addresses of Value Company’s offices for feasibility studies and project planning in Egypt and Saudi Arabia

-Cairo 3A Makram Ebbed- Nasr city
-Riyadh Al-Massif, Al-Roman street, with Imam Saud bin Abdelaziz Bin Mohammed Road,Al-Muruj

you can simply contact us on the following numbers

numbers of Egyptian Branch


Numbers of saudi Arabia Branch



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    فاليو لدراسات الجدوى
    أسسنا هذه الشركة الطموحة لدعم رواد الأعمال وأصحاب المشاريع في تأسيس مشروعاتهم و تطويرها وتنميتها عن طريق عمل دراسة جدوى لتلك المشروعات و تزويدهم بأحدث المعلومات و اكثرها مصداقية
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